Thursday, March 15, 2007

the day keeps getting more interesting as the hours slip by

well, i took max to the vet today and he has to go on and did they know that's EXACTLY want i wanted for me and my cat this year! it actually isn't that bad...they taught me how to give the shot and i practiced with some saline solution (sorry max). the doctor said that the insulin combined with the extremely expensive food may....MAY regulate his diabetes so that he can go off of the shots...but that is something that will be way down the road. well, we're used to routines around here so this is just another one to add to the list. on another note, i don't know if it is partly because i have just gotten over the flu or i haven't eaten yet today or the huge vet bill that i had to pay or a combination of all three but as i was getting max and his carrier out of the car i fainted. now i haven't fainted in years but i went down fast. i fell directly on my knees tearing the skin on my left knee through my jeans (so i must have fallen pretty hard) and my face crashed into the top of max's carrier. the carrier has a metal top so the noise more than the pain woke me up. i am just glad that i didn't bloody my nose or anything like that. max was terrified...i felt so bad for him but the carrier protected him so the fall didn't do anything other than scare him. my brain still feels all tingly but i really can't sleep so i decided to blog about this an make it apart of some record or something. well, i'm just glad that i snapped out of it immediately so i didn't look like a whack job sprawled outside of my garage on the concrete pavement for the neighbors to see. fun times.

1 comment:

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

omg OREN! How u doing now? i have never fainted but that's gotta be scary. Poor Max! I bet that did freak that poor thing out...seeing Dad fall like that. Hope all is well with you. Had to tell ya, that manwhore Cpl Matt Sanchez left a comment on my blog asking me how could I be taken seriously using the language I use. I emailed him back and asked him "How am I SUPPOSED to be taken seriously?" "Are you fucking kidding me?"

later kiddo! TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!
