Friday, February 16, 2007

"No love.....or the other thing" a poem....for (anti)valentine's day

excerpt from Mina Loy's poem "Love Songs to Joannes"

Spawn of Fantasies
Sitting the appraisable
Pig Cupid
His rosy snout
Rooting erotic garbage
"Once upon a time"
Pulls a weed
White star-topped
Among the wild oats
Sown in mucous-membrane

I would
An eye in a Bengal light
Eternity in a skyrocket
Constellations in an ocean
Whose rivers run no fresher
Than a trickle of saliva

There are..........suspect places

I must live in my lantern
Trimming subliminal flicker the bellows
Of experience

................Coloured glass


The skin-sack
In which a wanton duality
All the completions
Of my infructuous impulses
Something the shape of a man
To the casual vulgarity of the merely observant
More of a clock-work mechanism
Running down against time
To which I am not paced

My fingertips are numb
from fretting your hair
A God's doormat
On the threshold of your mind


We might have coupled
In the bedridden monopoly of a moment
Or broken flesh with one another
At the profane communion table
Where wine is spilled on promiscuous lips

We might have given birth to a butterfly
With the daily news
Printed in blood on its wings



And Time would be set back


The wind stuffs the scum of the white street
Into my lungs and my nostrils
Exhilarated birds
Prolonging flight into the night
Never reaching---


I am the jealous storehouse of the candle-ends
That lit your adolescent learning

Behind God's eyes
There might
Be other lights


Dear your mercy
Our Universe
Is only
A colourless onion
You derobe
Sheath by sheath
A disheartening odor
About your nervy hands


Everlasting passing apparent imperceptible
To you
I bring the nascent virginity of
--Myself--for the moment

No love......or the other thing
Only the impact of lighted bodies
Knocking sparks off each other
In chaos


Seldom......Trying for love
Fantasy dealt them out gods
Two or three men......looked only human
But you alone
I had to be caught in the weak eddy
Of your drivelling humanity
...............To love you most


We might have lived together
In the lights of the Arno
Or gone apple stealing under the sea
Or played
Hide and seek in love and cobwebs
And a lullaby on a tin pan

An talked till there were no more tongues
To talk with
And never have known any better


I don't care
Where the legs of the legs of the furniture are walking to
Or What is hidden in the shadows they stride
Or what would look at me
If the shutters were not shut

Red.....a warm colour on the battlefield
Heavy on my knees as a counterpane
Count counter
I counted......the fringe of the the towel
Till two tassels clinging together
Let the square room fall away
From a round vacuum
Dilating with my breath


Let Joy solace-winged
To flutter whom she may concern

Green things grow

For the cerebral
Forager's revival

Upon bossed bellies
Of mountains
Rolling in the sun
And flowered flummery
To my silly shoes

In ways without you
I go
As things go


Shedding our petty pruderies
From slit eyes
We sidle up
To Nature
.........that irate pornographist


The prig of passion
To your professorial paucity

Protoplasm was raving mad
Evolving us


Love----the preeminent litterateur

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