Thursday, July 31, 2008

once upon a dream

while i was away in florida i had the strangest dream...ever.
i have been debating with myself: should i actually
write the dream down or, following the advice of stevie nicks, just keep it to myself?

well for posterity here it goes:

prelude: my dreams are usually very detailed
and i, more often than not, remember them.
i also dream in color.

i am standing in a condo
it looks as if i am in a florida town
because i see palm trees and the window
(which is actually more like a glass wall)
overlooks a waterway
i see to my right a bridge that crosses over
this said waterway

resting on top of the bridge is a plane
a big a dc 7
above the plane there is flying a smaller plane
like a 10 seat cessna
there is a rope that is hanging down from the smaller plane
the smaller plane flies over the larger plane
and the rope hanging down hooks itself onto the jet

the smaller plane then picks up the bigger plane and
carries it over the water
in mere moments the bigger plane is dropped
while in mid air
the bigger plane falls into the water but before doing so
it performs a 360 turn landing upright
the plane then proceeds to
lift off into the air from where it landed in the water

this happens several times
and i remember thinking to myself
that it would be terrible if
the bigger plane doesn't complete a 360 rotation
before making contact with the water.

sure enough as soon as i thought it
the event happened and
one big plane fell into the water with
its underside up

(is this what people mean by lucid dreaming?)

but then something really odd happens...
the upside down plane turns into a whale
and swims off

this happens a couple more times before
i eventually wake up.

i shudder to think about
a freudian interpretation of this.

1 comment:

Brett Jackson said...

Dreams are so entertaining. I think it's because of all the wacky stuff that happens (like planes turning in to whales) that they can be such a source of unique inspiration.

A lucid dream is one where you know you are dreaming. Once you know you are dreaming you can consciously control the dream.

Come and visit my website if you want to learn more about lucid dreams