Friday, May 16, 2008

i thought that phyllis schlafly was dead...

apparently not because she just received an honorary doctorate from

the washington university of st. louis

this is controversial in that phyllis is/was a major voice in the

conservative movement...she fought against the equal rights amendment in the 70s

in a most eloquent way, she also told a reporter that the marriage contract is also consent for sex....

so if a woman claims that her husband raped her...according to phyllis

this would be inaccurate and, in most cases, a lie

she also stated that the pictures of pows taken at abu ghraib

showing our military personnel committing crimes against humanity

was a fantasy of feminists because that's how they (or i should say we)

want to treat men....


the justification for bestowing this honor on her by wash. u. basically came down

to this:

she is an important voice in the conservative movement

she is a "good" and "vigorous" debater

and she has contributed to the political discourse of the united states

to which i say: really? really? REALLY?

i would love to shake the idiot's hand who thought that this was

a good idea...

seriously there was NO ONE else that they could have honored? and again i say


oh did i mention that phyllis is twice an alum of wash. U.?

did i mention that phyllis has a lot of $$$$$$$?

a major voice in political discourse...yeah, sure.

who are they going to honor next with a doctorate?

fred phelps of the westboro baptist church?

i mean he certainly fits the above criteria

it was nice to see a lot of the faculty and students

protesting this batshittery

if isu ever did anything that head would explode

i tried to give my bk a hard time about it because he teaches there

but to no avail...i love how he puts up with me...

i don't know how he does it

1 comment:

Queers United said...

wash u hopefully will get a little less money from their alumni for this