Friday, March 09, 2007

why do i do this to myself?

instead of studying for a translation test in old english tomorrow (or i should say later on today since it is 2 a.m.) i listened to the awful ramblings of the minister fred phelps from the westboro babtist church and another dude argue about god, love, and hate and of course why homosexuals are going to hell regardless of whether they "repent" or not. well i don't really care because even if phelps in some alternate universe does go to heaven i certainly don't want to be there because THAT would be my hell. besides, if we are going to hell why are you preaching then....just let us go to hell and call it a day ...that still doesn't negate the fact that i have comprehensive examinations near the end of any event the rhetoric that this old man was spewing was terrible and violent but yet i listened to it like some masochist...when i should be doing way more productive (and, in turn masochistic) things with my life, like studying for a test or writing a comp synthesis. it has been a week of ann coulter, rush limbaugh, and other nut jobs spewing hateful things without even thinking of the consequences of what they are saying. right now i am thanking the goddess for john stewart....he's at lest helping me keep it all in perspective. he is my own personal jesus.


Bucky said...

oh, that fred phelps is such an unhappy and redonkulous man he thinks everybody's going to hell.

hope your test went well. hwæt!

love, lil bucky

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

thanks for reading again. big compliment from a PhD student (i need to get my master's SO bad, PhD probably not) Sorry u had to endure dobson. i too went to catholic school as a child. i had my own swill to swallow. although i am a non-believer, i feel that it would be pretty uncool to disavow all spirituality. organized religion is my big problem. there's too many good people out there that these crazy, amoral "leaders" hoodwink. i hope u don't mind how i listed your blog on my blog. cheers! Angelo