This is a great video and there are a lot of possibilities for some really, really good critique.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
El niño busca su voz.
(La tenía el rey de los grillos.)
En una gota de agua
buscaba su voz el niño.
No la quiero para hablar:
me haré con ella un anillo
que llevará mi silencio
en su dedo pequeñito.
--federico garcia lorca
The little mute boy
The little boy was looking for his voice.
(The king of the crickets had it.)
In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.
I do not want it for speaking with:
I will make a ring of it
so that he may wear my silence
on his little finger.
--federico garcia lorca
Friday, October 05, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
yeah...about that....
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Haper Pitt to Joe Pitt in Angles in America Part II: Perestroika
Thursday, April 12, 2007
is the world coming to an end?
Monday, April 09, 2007
my trip to boston
i also thought that my presentation went fairly well. all of the speakers on my panel brought invigorating ideas and work to the table. we didn't get a lot of questions though but i figure since it was near the end of the conference people were tired. in any event it was a great conference and i am glad that i went. i only hope that when i go back there next month the american literature association's conference will be as good. needless to say, i will remember my camera this time.
poem for the week: keeping it in perspective

(War Time)
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white,
Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
From The Language of Spring, edited by Robert Atwan, published by Beacon Press, 2003.
Monday, April 02, 2007
poem for the week

I love the hour before takeoff,
that stretch of no time, no home
but the gray vinyl seats linked like
unfolding paper dolls. Soon we shall
be summoned to the gate, soon enough
there’ll be the clumsy procedure of row numbers
and perforated stubs—but for now
I can look at these ragtag nuclear families
with their cooing and bickering
or the heeled bachelorette trying
to ignore a baby’s wail and the baby’s
exhausted mother waiting to be called up early
while the athlete, one monstrous hand
asleep on his duffel bag, listens,
perched like a seal trained for the plunge.
Even the lone executive
who has wandered this far into summer
with his lasered itinerary, briefcase
knocking his knees—even he
has worked for the pleasure of bearing
no more than a scrap of himself
into this hall. He’ll dine out, she’ll sleep late,
they’ll let the sun burn them happy all morning
—a little hope, a little whimsy
before the loudspeaker blurts
and we leap up to become
Flight 828, now boarding at Gate 17.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
sunday afternoon lyrics

The perfect love song it has no words it only has death threats
And you can tell a classic ballad by how threatening it gets
So if you walk into your house and she’s cutting up your mother
She’s only trying to tell you that she loves you like no other
No other, she loves you like no other.
The only emotions that I know are love and hate
And she’s chopping & she’s changing & it’s making you afraid
I said close your eyes and imagine that I’m nice
She’ll kiss you or she’ll kill you but you’ll just have to wait
Because some things that I do make you go blue
And something that you said made me go red
The perfect love has no emotions, it only harbours doubt
And if she fears your intentions she will cut you out
So do not raise your voice and do not shake your fist
Just pass her the carving knife, if that’s what she insists
Insists, if that’s what she insists
A hate tattoo on my brain and a love one on my heart
I'd love to hate you, like I love you
And just tear your dreams apart
I said close your eyes and imagine that I’m nice
Cupid’s arrow looking more like cupids poisoned dart
Because some things that I do make you go blue
And something that you said made me go red
Because some things that I do make you go blue
And something that you said made me go red
The perfect kiss is dry as sand and doesn’t take your breath
The perfect kiss is with the boy that you’ve just stabbed to death
Is with the boy that you’ve just stabbed to death
Is with the boy that you’ve just stabbed to death
politics of nothing(ness)
Friday, March 30, 2007
program assitant no longer...
political points to ponder....
Politcized identity formation(s)
An identity is established in relation to a series of differences that have become socially recognized. These differences are essential to its being. If they did not coexist as differences it would also not exist in its distinctness and solidarity [….] Identity requires difference in order to be, and it converts difference into otherness in order to secure its own self-certainty.(64)William Connolly, Identity/Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1991.
The tension between particularistic “I’s” and a universal “we” in liberalism is sustainable as long as the constituent terms of the “I” remain unpolicitized:indeed, as long as the “I” itself remains unpoliticized on one hand, and the state (as the expression of the ideal of political universality) remains
unpolicitized on the other. Thus, the latent conflict in liberalism between universal representation and individualism remains latent, remains unpoliticized, as long as differential powers in civil society remain naturalized, as long as the “I” remains politically unarticulated, as long as it is willing to have its freedom represented abstractly—in effect, subordinating its “I-ness” to the abstract “we” represented by the universal community of the state. This subordination is achieved by the “I” either abstracting from itself in its political representation, thus trivializing its “difference” so as to remain part of the “we” (as in homosexuals who are “just like everyone else except for who we sleep with”), or accepting its construction as supplement,complement, or partial outsider to the “we” (as in homosexuals who are just“different,” or Jews whose communal affiliations lie partly or wholly outside their national identity). The history of liberalism’s management of
its inherited and constructed others could be read as a history of variations on and vacillations between these two strategies. (56)
What if it were possible to incite a slight shift in the character of political expression and political claims common to much politicized identity? What if we sought to supplant the language of “I am”—with it defensive closure on identity,its insistence on the fixity of position, its equations of social and moral positioning—with the language of “I want this for us”? (75)
Wendy Brown, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1995.
the reading...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
poem for the week

painting: Deconstructing the Ballerina by Paula Rego
Saturday, March 24, 2007
an experiment in narrative because i am not a poet
problem no. 1: i do not fancy myself a creative writer...although i have written some poetry and short stories...i don't think that i have ever shown them to anyone.
problem no 2: i have five minutes to read something. now, five minutes may not seem like a long time but you would be surprised by how slowly the minutes drag by when one is reading written work. over five years of writing conference papers has taught me this much.
problem no 3: the event is next thursday...
problem no 4: did i mention that i am not a creative writer? oh yeah, i guess i did.
at first, i had a couple of poems from other people that i was thinking about reading and then i thought i should at least try to create something of my own. i mean i am a compositionist, in part at least, and i can look at this event as an "assignment." i can look at it as something that i would ask my writing students to do. so i have been working on a piece of narrative. it isn't a poem and the best i could describe it as is a fragment, an observation. i see it as an object that is reflected in the broken pieces of a mirror....disconnected and yet symbiotic and somewhere "out there" beyond the reach of an instantaneous signification these narrative pieces will meld. writing is exhausting...creative writing even more so....i would never call myself a poet but i can call myself someone who tried. finally, any suggestions or helpful comments would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated. here it goes...
"Always in the long corridors of the psyche
doors are opening and doors are slamming shut"
Marge Piercy from "Song of the Fucked Duck"
doors: five narrative fragments
reading derrida on a friday evening i found myself hungry and restless.
i was caught up in a psychic paradox between my bodily desire to leave because of a hunger to fill up an emptiness and my longing to stay where i was...because of this same hunger.
i went out...the desire fueled by my physical hunger won...trumped, as it were, the excuses to stay eat the words of the book that i was reading at that moment.
actually, both desires drew a compromise that involved take-out.
waiting, waiting for my food i noticed a woman sitting in a darkened corner.
i know this woman, not by name but by recognition.
she walks.
she walks around town most of the time.
i have only ever seen her walking so it took me a while to place her in the restaurant because she was temporarily rooted,
i heard her get up.
i heard her ask the server about time: she wanted to know what time darkness settles in.
i tried to answer the question in my myself and i didn't even know the answer. the server told her something...i think she said 8 but i'm not sure,
i was still calculating.
what time does it get dark?
my food came up...handed over to me like a precious thing wrapped in styrofoam and plastic.
i paid.
i turned to leave and was faced with the unfamiliar-now-familiar woman standing next to me.
she followed me outside
our movements were cadenced yet displaced
like awkward choreography
she said she knew me.
she has seen me around town with other people.
i was placed, a stationary point on a map.
she wanted to know something so she asked me a question...a question that i could not answer for her...a question that required walking for its response...perhaps even walking in circles.
i stood, anchored upon the sidewalk in my own absence
shrugging my shoulders and smiling into a void
she thanked me for my time and inability to answer.
we whispered antiphonic goodbyes.
i went to my car, with very heavy feet and my plastic bag of food, cell phone, and cigs absurdly hanging off of my body--useless ornaments, swinging.
i stopped and turned as she kept walking the other way,
a vanishing point that expanded the muted territory between us.
i felt like saying something more than what my goodbye could offer her.
i wanted to tell her that i understood.
goodbye is easier though because this other understanding is beyond only recognizes the grammar of movement.
some say that this woman is a poet...a remarkable poet, a tragic poet.
i say that she is a walking poet.
others say that she has a psychiatric condition...i say that that assumption is depends on who is doing the diagnosing and it's usually a doctor that is sitting down, rooted in a place without movement
in some shadowed corner of some dingy restaurant, and who has no idea at all.
i read the other day that dreams about houses are pictures of the psyche...i believe in that premise because i believe in basements.
i also believe in basements under basements as well.
imagine that you are dreaming….you are in a house that is webbed in the gauzy reassembled pieces of memory and nostalgia in which you find yourself walking.
vision invites you to drift downstairs through an open door that announces itself as a materialized binary marked by its two knobs.
you accept the invitation…you walk through and down into darkness.
you realize (through intuition and touch) that at some point these stairs stop or cease to exist in another, deeper room.
this room under the house is dark, a little cool and there are no windows.
most who get this far don't linger long enough to see the passageway that leads to still a deeper room, as vast as it is profound.
but some do...i did (or, rather, still do, I know it’s there) the walking poet did so as well
but even if the dreamer does get further than most and follows that corridor down to this other room...still, most don't see the door in this basement's basement.
it beckons anyway.
in a certain kind of silence, you can hear the gentle static sound of snow falling. not only have i seen it, i have had my hand on the doorknob a couple of times, i have even turned it.
but unlike the woman who walks, something tells me, however, that once this door is opened and i cross over its threshold there is no coming back.
because the inside of that door has no knob.
i simply do not posses that courage.
so i know the temptation.
i know what her walking means.
i know this woman and she is brave,
to walk between two worlds and yet refuse to distinguish a line between them.
to only be recognized by the vision and grammar of others who have either been at the door or who have themselves trampled through.
or the ones that stare, that refuse to understand what her movement means
by hiding behind their own carefully selected rubrics of denial that thinly disguise their own basements with their own doors quietly singing like static snow
perhaps her walking makes it better.
perhaps it eases the pain of the door with no knob
slamming shut.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
poem for the week

from An Atlas of the Difficult World by Adrienne Rich
Here is a map of our country:
here is the Sea of Indifference, glazed with salt
This is the haunted river flowing from brow to groin
we dare not taste its water
This is the desert where missiles are planted like corms
This is the breadbasket of foreclosed farms
This is the birthplace of the rockabilly boy
This is the cemetery of the poor
who died for democracy........This is a battlefield
from a nineteenth-century war......the shrine is famous
This is the sea-town of myth and story........when the fishing fleets
went is where the jobs were........on the pier
processing frozen fishsticks.....hourly wages and no shares
These are other battlefields...Centralia....Detroit
here are the forests primeval...the copper....the silver loads
These are the suburbs of acquaintance.....silence rising fumelike from the streets
This is the capital of money and dolor whose spires
flare up through air inversions whose bridges are crumbling
whose children are drifting blind alleys pent
between coiled rolls of razor wire
I promised to show you a map you say but this is a mural
then yes let it be....these are small distinctions
where do we see it from is the question
Thursday, March 15, 2007
the day keeps getting more interesting as the hours slip by
now that spring break is almost over....
Monday, March 12, 2007
poem for the week

image of stevie smith
coffee, cigs, and a great poetic there anything better?
i am so sick.....the flu finally caught up with me blah! but i must carry on...the poem of the week waits for no one!
Not Waving But Drowning
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
--stevie smith
Friday, March 09, 2007
why do i do this to myself?
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
but i can be kind of bitchy....
You Are 48% Bitchy |
Generally, you're an average woman, with average moods. But sometimes... well, watch out! Sometimes, you let your mean side get the better of you. And you enjoy every minute of it. |
i am jennifer aniston
You Are Jennifer Aniston |
Monday, March 05, 2007
poem for the week

War and Peace by Pablo Picasso
The Novel
All winter you went to bed early, drugging yourself on War and
Prince Andrei's cold eyes taking in the sky from the battlefield
were your eyes, you went walking wrapped in his wound
like a padded coat against the winds from the two rivers
You went walking in the streets as if you were ordinary
as if you hadn't been pulling with your raw mittened hand
on the slight strand that held your tattered mind
blown like an old stocking from a wire
on the wind between two rivers.
All winter you asked nothing
of that book though it lay heavy on your knees
you asked only for a shed skin, many skins in which to walk
you were old woman, child, commander
you watched Natasha grow into a neutered thing
you felt the pages thickening to the left and on the right-
hand growing few, you knew the end was coming
you knew beyond the ending lay
your own, unwritten life
--Adrienne Rich , Time's Power: Poems 1985-1988
Saturday, March 03, 2007
snowing, again
BELIZE: [....] Oh cheer up Louis. Look at that heavy sky out there.
LOUIS: Purple.
BELIZE: Purple? Boy, what kind of homosexual are you, anyway? That's not purple, Mary, that color up there is (Very grand) mauve. All day it's felt like Thanksgiving. Soon, this...ruination will be blanketed white. You can smell it--can you smell it?
LOUIS: Smell what?
BELIZE: Softness, compliance, forgiveness, grace.
LOUIS: No...
BELIZE: I can't help you learn that. I can't help you, Louis.
You're not my business. (He exits)
Tony Kushner, Angels in America Part One: Millenium Approaches, Act III, Scene II.
well, it is snowing again today, but the flakes are fluffy and they sort of look like delicate, white butterflies or fairies flying around in some suspended animation. there is a little bit of wind but considering that it is not below 10 degrees with a windchill of -25 to -30 below zero, i am not complaining. I am re-reading tony kushner's two part play angels in america because i will be teaching it after spring break. i really like the image that the character belize uses in describing snow...soft, compliant, filled with grace and forgiveness. it falls upon the ruination of tragedy and has a static song. i love listening to the sound of snow falling. you have to be in a place that is almost entirely free of noise...even traffic rumble. if you are quiet...and i mean the type of quietness that lets you listen to gentle pumping of your heart you can hear the snow as it falls to the ground. it sounds like gentle the white noise on a radio that is turned down really, really low. to hear this music you have to become stop moving, to control your breath. it's very calming for me, this snowy coats everything in a softness that is crisp and gentle. it is like forgiveness or grace or love...softly falling whether we want it to or not. it hides tragedy but does not get rid of softly changes the landscape...let's us create new meaning out of old ruins; a new territory in the same place.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
in heaven, i'm in heaven
the persistence of narration
From the gracious days
I used to be woebegone
And so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed
For you to see
Oh but now...(I dont find myself bouncing home whistling Buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more I love yous
The language is leaving me
No more I love yous
The language is leaving me in silence
Changes are shifting outside the word
--Annie Lennox
this isn't sophistry, a plea for understanding, or even voice. recently, i have had contact with a past love. actually he was my first love. i have known him since the 8th grade. i have been narrating him for so long and hard in an attempt to write him out of my life that i have inadvertently stitched him into my being. a psychic tattoo that i try to rub off...but my efforts only seem to create and recreate more words, more narration, more dark circles of melancholy sutured to memories of the past that somehow follow me into my future... skipping ahead of me, even. and i follow like some stupidly naive puppy. i know better. i should know better. i can recognize this for what it is but still it does not stop me from continuously, somehow, loving him. my heart is rooted in this soil. my brain is somehow disconnected from the rest of my tells my body one thing but my body doesn't listen. i use the tools available to me. i use anti-depressants, i use sex and other significant relationships, i use kristeva, i use butler, i use derrida, i even use foucault (although he could care less) and on occasion i have even used the/a goddess but still my heart's roots insist upon this anchoring that is terrible and mean.
i do not like this kind of love. i do not wish to narrate it anymore. it is obsessive and cruel. it clothes itself in an unrequited-ness, always incomplete yet circular and mimetic. i have always been caught within this web. it is a disappointing love that you get used to...which in its incompleteness creates a different kind of disappointment....not new, or easy but instead a disappointment of a much deeper kind. this love reflects back to me and also reflects itself within my other relationships. it is jealous and difficult; this love is dark red and it flows still. i do not want this love anymore but there is a resignation that is stained by its flowing. this love is one sided and it has really nothing to do with him and, at the same time everything to do with him. it casts a deep shadow that is mingled with nostalgia and memories that i try to name and make real so that i can exorcise them from myself, to cast them away, to abject them..but yet they still remain unnameable, solid, and insistent. a boomerang that i throw away from myself but returns, always. i see this love in my other relationships. i try to stop it but the same scenario announces itself clothed in the same nuances that i can recognize...that i am alone and waiting, in the dark, for this love to return. this love leaves me tired and broken, it sabotages my other relationships so that i am solitary; this love is not for sharing, it is "thick" and suffocating. how do you rewrite that? this isn't just an object, lost or otherwise, but the nature of the's do you renarrate that? how do you rewrite a law? when the boomerang completes its circle how do i not occupy the space of its destination? i have never had the chance to start over.
Monday, February 26, 2007
poem for the week

Daybreak in Alabama
When I get to be a composer
I'm gonna write me some music about
Daybreak in Alabama
And I'm gonna put the purtiest songs in it
Rising out of the ground like a swamp mist
And falling out of heaven like soft dew.
I'm gonna put some tall tall tress in it
And the scent of pine needles
And the smell of red clay after rain
And long red necks
And poppy colored faces
And big brown arms
And the field daisy eyes
Of black and white black white black people
And I'm gonna put white hands
And black hands and brown and yellow hands
And red clay earth hands in it
Touching everybody with kind fingers
And touching each other natural as dew
In that dawn of music when I
Get to be a composer
And write about daybreak
In Alabama.
--Langston Hughes
Sunday, February 25, 2007
early sunday thoughts on chuck norris....
Chuck Norris Facts:
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush. (side note: i don't get this one...)
There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.
Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile. (another side note...ewww)
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost.
Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a DeltaForce marathon on Satellite TV.
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
i have a new crush....
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
gender outlaw is gender trouble
Monday, February 19, 2007
poem for the week
Aretha. Deep buter dipt, burnt pot liquor, twisted sugar cane,
Vaselined knock knees clacking extraordinary gospel.
hustling toward the promised land in 4/4 time, Aretha.
Greased and glowing awash in limelight, satisfied moan
'neath the spotlight, turning ample ass toward midnight,
she the it's-all-good goddess of warm cornbread
and bumped buttermilk, know jesus by his first name.
carried his gospel low and democratic in rollicking brownships,
sang His drooping corpse down from that ragged wooden T,
dressed Him up in something shiny, conked that Holy head of hair,
then Aretha rustled up bus fare and took the deity downtown.
They coaxed the DJ and slid electric untill the lights slammed on,
she taught Him dirty nicknames for His father's handiwork.
She was young then, thin and aching, her heartbox shut tight.
So Jesus blessed her, He opened her throat and taught her
to wail that way she do, she do wail that way don't she
do that wail the way she do wail that way, don't she?
Now every time 'retha unreel that screech, sang Delta
cut through hurting to glimpse been-done-wrong bone,
a born-again brother called the Holy Ghost creeps through that.
and that, for all you still lookin', is religion.
Dare you question her several shoulders, the soft stairsteps
of flesh leading to her shaking chins, the steel bones
of a corseted frock eating into bubbling sides,zipper track etched into skin,
all those faint scars,
those lovesore battle wounds?
Ain't your mama never told you
how black women collect the world,
build other bodies onto their own?
No earthly man knows the solution to our hips,
asses urgent as sirens,
titties familiar as everybody's mama
crisscrossed with pulled roads of blood.
Ask us why we pray with our dancin' shoes on, why we
grow fat away from everyone and toward each other.
© Patricia Smith. Online Source
This is also an insteresting websource
Saturday, February 17, 2007
ok...kind of creepy

so yeah, like i said...kind of creepy
boston bound
Friday, February 16, 2007
two excerpts from Kushner's _Angels' in America: Part Two Perestroika_
Act III; Scene I
HARPER: [....] Was it a hard thing crossing the prairies?
MORMON MOTHER: You ain't stupid. So don't ask stupid. Ask something for real.
HARPER (a beat, then): In your experience of the world. How do people change?
MORMON MOTHER: Well it has something to do with God so it's not very nice.
God splits the skin with a jagged thumbnail from throat to belly and then plunges as filthy hand in, he grabs hold of your bloody tubes and they slip to evade his grasp but he squeezes hard, he insists, he pulls and pulls till all your innards are yanked out and the pain! We can't even talk about that. And then he stuffs them back, dirty, tangled and torn. It's up to you to do the stitching.
HARPER: And then get up. And walk around.
MORMON MOTHER: Just mangled guts pretending.
HARPER: That's how people change.
"No love.....or the other thing" a poem....for (anti)valentine's day
Spawn of Fantasies
Sitting the appraisable
Pig Cupid
His rosy snout
Rooting erotic garbage
"Once upon a time"
Pulls a weed
White star-topped
Among the wild oats
Sown in mucous-membrane
I would
An eye in a Bengal light
Eternity in a skyrocket
Constellations in an ocean
Whose rivers run no fresher
Than a trickle of saliva
There are..........suspect places
I must live in my lantern
Trimming subliminal flicker the bellows
Of experience
................Coloured glass
The skin-sack
In which a wanton duality
All the completions
Of my infructuous impulses
Something the shape of a man
To the casual vulgarity of the merely observant
More of a clock-work mechanism
Running down against time
To which I am not paced
My fingertips are numb
from fretting your hair
A God's doormat
On the threshold of your mind
We might have coupled
In the bedridden monopoly of a moment
Or broken flesh with one another
At the profane communion table
Where wine is spilled on promiscuous lips
We might have given birth to a butterfly
With the daily news
Printed in blood on its wings
And Time would be set back
The wind stuffs the scum of the white street
Into my lungs and my nostrils
Exhilarated birds
Prolonging flight into the night
Never reaching---
I am the jealous storehouse of the candle-ends
That lit your adolescent learning
Behind God's eyes
There might
Be other lights
Dear your mercy
Our Universe
Is only
A colourless onion
You derobe
Sheath by sheath
A disheartening odor
About your nervy hands
Everlasting passing apparent imperceptible
To you
I bring the nascent virginity of
--Myself--for the moment
No love......or the other thing
Only the impact of lighted bodies
Knocking sparks off each other
In chaos
Seldom......Trying for love
Fantasy dealt them out gods
Two or three men......looked only human
But you alone
I had to be caught in the weak eddy
Of your drivelling humanity
...............To love you most
We might have lived together
In the lights of the Arno
Or gone apple stealing under the sea
Or played
Hide and seek in love and cobwebs
And a lullaby on a tin pan
An talked till there were no more tongues
To talk with
And never have known any better
I don't care
Where the legs of the legs of the furniture are walking to
Or What is hidden in the shadows they stride
Or what would look at me
If the shutters were not shut
Red.....a warm colour on the battlefield
Heavy on my knees as a counterpane
Count counter
I counted......the fringe of the the towel
Till two tassels clinging together
Let the square room fall away
From a round vacuum
Dilating with my breath
Let Joy solace-winged
To flutter whom she may concern
Green things grow
For the cerebral
Forager's revival
Upon bossed bellies
Of mountains
Rolling in the sun
And flowered flummery
To my silly shoes
In ways without you
I go
As things go
Shedding our petty pruderies
From slit eyes
We sidle up
To Nature
.........that irate pornographist
The prig of passion
To your professorial paucity
Protoplasm was raving mad
Evolving us
Love----the preeminent litterateur
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
grade inflation?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
snow day
Monday, February 12, 2007
the best day so far in 2007

angela davis is the quintessential scholar for me...not only is she an icon for everything that i believe in but she is also history that walks and talks...a history that we are living and breathing...a history that is stunningly profound and yet is still alive and doing important work. for me angela davis demonstrates the important intersection between theory and practice. she is also a teacher...i am looking at a woman who influences todays innovative thinkers...chela sandoval and laura hun ye kang...i don't only look to her but i also look to her students.
her talk was phenomenal. she briefly talked about her reseach and intellectual investments in various critiques of the prison system in the united states but she spent a lot of time talking about the discursive formation of racism in united states culture. she spent time talking about meaning and language....what does "racial justice" mean...let's rhetorically analyze the construction of the emancipation proclamation and the 13th amendment...what are these documents actually saying and how have they inscribed themselves upon the consciousness of the culture in the united states. just how was (and is) the institution of slavery the abolishment of compulsory labor? racism and xenophobia? or have we become blind to the work of racism through this is race lived? where does racism discursively live and do its work? critiques on and the movement to rid the legal system of affirmative action as one way to illuminate the ways in which racism is still living today and doing its work was talked about by davis. the disappearance of affirmative action is no less a perpetuation of civil death...the work of affirmative action to empower subjugated communities has been superseded to focus on the individual and, indeed, propagate a civil stop make it conform to white male supremacy. it is all done with certainty...the discursive relationship between racism and certainty, davis reminded us, creates a logic that "ceases to announce itself" and that "hides in the grammar" that forms our very subjectivity negotiations between us (or our selves) and the world/culture.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i never knew 21 degrees to feel SO WARM

your eyes are not deceiving you....a cheerleader lamp that you can buy on! supplies are limited so get it while it's available.
it is really kind of crazy in a psychotic kind of way...but it's 21 degrees outside now and i can feel it. there is a big difference between say 3 degrees (with a wind chill of about -20) and 21 degrees above zero....i have become a cheerleader...jumping up and down with my arms and legs frantically moving and pompoms dangling from my wrists..."come on can do it...this cold is getting really old"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
i'm going to start writing again...i promise...well maybe
i'm in the last year of my 30s and it's kind of freaking me out...i don't feel like i'm going to have a midlife crisis but one never knows. i do know that things start changing...the landscape becomes some how wider in scope i can look behind me and see somewhat of a trail...littered with bits and pieces of memories and of selves that i have either purposefully discarded or have accidentally lost along the way. landscapes are funny...they shift now more than ever or perhaps they always have but i was just unable to see or not able to notice...time also constructs itself differently...more fluid perhaps or maybe it is horizontal instead of vertical...a change in linearity...changes that i have never noticed before but now i'm noticing. i can't believe that i'm starting a new phase in my studies...i'm teaching my internship and i'm trying to figure things out. at the same time things that i thought were important seem trite and weary now....visions of significant others are losing their contours and shapes...becoming phantoms that lurk somewhere in the dark corner of my mind... do i want them to materialize or not? the flesh is willing but my mind tells me otherwise. i don't feel connected...arms outstretched in a kind of suspended animation...akimbo. friendships define and redefine themselves daily...subjectivity negotiation is difficult...nothing and i do mean nothing is stable...but then again has it ever been? maybe i'm waking up to myself or maybe i'm drifting closer to some psychic coma or psychic comma...being only half of a semicolon...and i don't realize it...maybe realization is impossible.